
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
The secret life of Walter mitty essay
Question: Describe at least one character or individual you could relate to in the text. Explain why it is important that you were able to relate to the character or individual.
In the text “The secret life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber we have a character that seems to daydream a bit too much in his life, I heavily relate to Walter Mitty the main character, this character was like me in a way that I instantly saw and felt like we had something in common. Walter seems to do What I do a lot, He seems to daydream about things he sees around the place. He appeared to be so propelled into these daydreams that he sometimes needs to be woken up from them.
Walter Mitty’s daydreams are a crucial part of the text, it is important to relate to the main character during the text because it shows his boring his life is and how he wants it to be just like we dream of wanting to be like someone else. For example, if we did not relate in any sort of way we would not understand the text and its simple meaning. When the text says “ Mitty hastily pulled on his gloves and lurched ahead. He drove around the streets aimlessly for a time, and then he drove past the hospital on his way to the parking lot. . ..
It’s the millionaire banker, Wellington McMillan,” said the pretty nurse. “Yes?” said Walter Mitty, removing his gloves slowly. “Who has the case?” “Dr. Renshaw and Dr. Benbow”
We see that things around him can give his mind inspiration of what he may daydream about next, see that in the real world he acts like a dog being told what to do by its owner but in his dreams, he is the main character of his own miniature world that sits in his head.
I found that daydreaming is something Walter and I do frequently, for example, I even daydreamed before I wrote this I daydreamed during most of my math class. I feel like daydreaming is where most of my ideas come from and are inspired by, I feel like daydreaming helps me, think or make my life more interesting. For example, I feel free in my head because there is no limit in what I do and sometimes my head merely makes the stories and I just go along with it. I see this in the text when Walter suddenly began dreaming, when he does dream he dreams, purely making his life more interesting because his life is a boring mess.
I heavily relate to Walter because there are some people who I don’t understand or like, it seems what he thinks of his wife as a mutual relationship because of the boring city trips he is forced to go on. I myself think the same because going on trips with my parents is quite boring or it’s something I don’t want to do but I always try to make it enjoyable but sometimes it’s just annoying to even be there. We see this in the whole text that he despises going on these trips when he’s little tips to the audience on how he feels.
In conclusion, we have a character called Walter Mitty in “The secret life of Walter Mitty” we see his boring life and city trips and how he uses his mind to bring stories to life in his head and make his life more interesting. I really related to this character because of how much he is himself and how sometimes those boring city trips are quite a time waste, I also see that there always seems like that one person we don’t mind but we always hate. To end this all I relate to Walter in many different ways, some more personal and some more in the interpersonal side of my life.
Power of One Essay
Facial expressions
Mise en scene
In the Power of one during the “Going for a run” scene, facial expressions are used very well
For Example, when Gideon talks about only having one toilet for two hundred people you see
PK’s facial expression looks disgusted and sorry for these people. The purpose of this was to show the emotion of PK and how much pain the natives have felt since the arrival of the Germans and The English. This makes the audience feel the same as PK, disgusted. When PK sees and hears what Gideon is talking about PK’s face seems sad and almost does not want to believe it’s true, making the audience horrified of what happened in the past. You see the same face-to-face encounter with PK and Gideon when PK began teaching English for Gideon’s people. You see PK is worried about Gideon’s lost eye, but Gideon’s smile seems to ensure that he doesn’t care, he only cares about his people’s survival.
In Power of one Mise en scene was used really well. We see this multiple times during the “Going for a run” scene for example when you see the man being kicked off the truck this shows that how unfair and cruel the world they live in. The purpose of this was to for us to understand without telling us that have struggled and stripped of their rights and made where they can barely live. All this helped me to understand that even helping a few people to do something so basic for us but difficult for others can impact the surrounding environment and people. We also see this near the end of the scene when Gideon walks away, we see a mother of two and an old lady being frightened of him.
During the “going for a run” we hear conversation escalate perfectly.
Is it normal for a person to have secrets?
Even from their spouse?
What sort of secret of Walter Mitty hiding?
What kind of person do you think Walter Mitty will be in the story based solely on the title?
Make a prediction about what will happen to Walter Mitty in the text.
-Brings oxygen into our body
-It allows us to exhale carbon dioxide from our body
The Respiratory System-
Breathing out is completely normal and instant.
Breathing through your mouth it reduce immunity.
Physically fit:
To be in a state of health and well-being. Physical fitness is defined as the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist disease and to react to emergency situations.
What could effect fitness is:
Getting a broken leg or bone, your diet has a huge effect on how fit you are. Flu's can stop you from performing your best because of how it blocks your lungs.
Garbage in the ocean
Garbage in the ocean has been causing a lot of problems in the world, affecting marine life everyday and destroying reefs that may never come back. Littering is a major problem in the world. Littering damages the oceans, the plastics we use have been killing whales and destroing 85% of the oxygen in the world.
Daily use of plastic
The daily use of plastic is growing but also decreasing, the litter that people are picking up are being replaced by plastic that we drop. The plastic that we use is being dropped in the ocean which is degrading into microplastics where they are infecting every living thing that swims. Daily use of plastic is hard to stop, it’s cheaper and a lot easier to get a hold of.
Government trying to stop Plastic in the ocean
Governments have been trying to stop pollution in any way they can but they can’t force people to do it, that’s why they try to spread the message anyway they can.
They stopped people from Overfishing and made it law and stopped massive amounts of overfishing. China has resumed whale hunting which is a bad and terrible thing to start up again during this epidemic of plastic and loss of sea life.
People getting involved!
A rise of people have been helping with the problem, when they go out people have been using non-plastic cutlery, straw, and bags but now since COVID-19 has left for now we have been decent in our use of plastic but been a little slack.
Tonnes of PLASTIC!
The problem is us, people out there don’t care or don’t know, if they know what the problem is it’s because people afford the non-plastic, the plastic is 269,000 tonnes of plastic that has been left there which makes it plastic soup.
The US has been a major factor since they were so late to the problem and when they realised they have already destroyed the oceans, and oceans is what they need for their major fishing companies. The seafood industry has been experiencing a lot of micro-plastics with the fish and found that they were already dying because of it, and uneatable.
Conclusion to our problem.
The thing that we need to do is to band together and work at this problem, making sure that whales are not dying and producing Phytoplankton, when this happens less of “Plastic soup” will be occurring and the Pacific ocean will be cleaner and thriving in it’s own habitat.
"The buildings were tall"
The buildings were menacing in height with their neon lights making fit in with the rest.
"Sarah was really upset"
Sarah was lying down, emotions rolling in, getting the news of what happened and knowing she might never see them again. She didn't even notice the tears rolling down her face.
"She was so happy to see him"
She saw him and ran to him, with the expression you have on your 1st birthday.
"The lake was beautiful"
The lake stood while the it reflected it's lights, making good seem the wrong word for it, beautiful seemed to fit.
"It was stunning"
It was something angels would be jealous, something that I could steer at for ages not caring how odd I look doing it.
What line explains their passive resistance method?
I know Te Whiti will never be defeated,
And even at the darkest hour,
His presence will remain.
I'll sing to you the song of Parihaka.
Metaphor and similes difference.
Metaphors and similes are different where if it was a simile you would say "hey that man is LIKE a cat" when it's a metaphor "Hey that is a cat". Simile is saying what is similar where Metaphor are saying that it is what it says it is.
Pond shivering in the sun
steps breaking the ground
birds chirping in the wind
Lemons on the cold winter ground
People keeping warm in their homes
keeping warm WI-Pumpkin!
Leaves falling from the tree
Landing silently on the earth
breaking tension as it lands
Hypothisis - Explosion - Chemical change
Equipment - Sample of ZnO (Zinc Oxide)
Heat source- plate
Heat proof
Method - 1. Get sample of ` in a evaporating dish.
2. Weight the ZnO and container - record weight
3. heat container ZnO on hot plate
4. Observe any changes - use phone for before and after photos (video)
5. Take off heat and put on heat prood mat
6. Let cool - observe - photos
7. Re weigh
Results: the weight of the ZnO didn't change at all.
Conclusion:The color did change at all but when took off heat it changed so our Hypothisis was wrong.