During the whole semester, we were challenged by covid and the lack of some materials to provide us some learning. The whole covid thing was a kind of came in an annoying time but kind of good, at the time were doing something about coding which we could easily do at home. With everyone going on we could easily do. We have to work to complete our project that is a drum kit, here is our link to what we have done and our ideas leading up to it and we also used scratch 

My reflection is that the whole semester came with its goods and bad, the bad is the whole of lockdown and the suddenly sick days and miss communication between members and there were so many little annoying little bugs and that we had to overcome. The Good was great, we did a lot of stuff and learned skills that I've probably have forgotten and actually may use in the future. ad
We as a group were good in some parts such as actually working on the project and making it work but where our group drops are when making our idea and communication and when we needed our group.
We didn't get to finish our project but I felt like I have learned something out of it.and
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