
Friday, July 31, 2020


Photo montage

This is my Photo montage, it's a person with a metal head and Spachala....

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Pita pockets...

Today we made Pita pockets and it was really easy...
Pita bread,
One carrot,
one slice of cheese,
Half of a onion,
A little bit of BBQ sauce on top.

Our group did well and made and cleaned very quickly so we have time to do this blog.
Veggie Pita Pocket | Kraft What's Cooking


Monday, July 27, 2020


What is Diffusion...

Diffusion is when particles are moving from high concentration to low concentration in liquid and gas.

Aim: to see if hot or cold water diffuse particles faster or slower than each other.
I think the hotness will make it diffuse faster.

Method:Place the peril dish on your workbench and allow the water inside it to settle.

Using the tweezers place the single bit of potassium in the centre of the dish.

Observe for 5 minutes.

Repeat the experiment with hot water.

Results:Hot water diffused faster than the cold water


Friday, July 24, 2020


9HEC2 food and safety

Image result for washing hands
Today on Friday we had to make a Word art picture based on our hygiene and based on requirements in the class such as tying up your hair if long and health and safety.
This shows what we know about the safety and dangers in the kitchens.
Make sure clean what is dirty and wash hands after and before,

Thursday, July 23, 2020

States of matter

States of matter

The states of matter such as solid, liquid and gas are all states of matter.

SolidWhat Is an Ice Point? (with picture)

Solids have a fixed shape and volume that stop particles from moving but transferring heat on to the solid will takeaway the bonds and turn it into the liquid.

LiquidEvidence mounts that water has two liquid forms | Research ...

Liquid has bonds but not as much so that allows it to roam free but not as much as gas, the liquid's bods between the particles might disconnect and evaporate into the air to become gas.

GasMatter: Definition & the Five States of Matter | Live Science

Gas is just roaming liquid that you might not be able to see sometimes, you can see smoke because certain particles but air you can't with the naked eye.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fixed and Growth mindsets...

Fixed and Growth mindsets...

Fixed mindsets are where you think if something then try to do it but fail and not try again because it's hard or you can't be bothered.

Growth mindsets are where you accept challenges that you are given or you see and try your best like playing the guitar or playing soccer then failing but getting back up again after you fell but get up and keep on trying.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Home hec, assessment-Cheese puffs

On Thursday my group made cheese puffs as our assessment, I say we did really good but sadly the photos I took got deleted because when I came home it said on my phone that every photo I've took has been deleted.
I couldn't do this blog ages ago I had family business so yeah that's why I couldn't do this blog ages.

The cheese puffs were golden brown and were soft in texture , I think did really well as a group even thpugh half our group wasn't there when we started so basically they got free cheese puffs.